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        Strategic Sports recently celebrated the addition of rooftop solar panels to its facilities in China, an occasion marked by a signing ceremony including local city officials and key Strategic staff in Dongguan, China. 

The solar panel upgrade, also soon to be installed at Strategic’s Portugal factory and in progress at their new Vietnam location, will have a considerable impact on Strategic Sports’ global carbon footprint and is expected to generate as much as 15% of the company’s total energy needs. 



         “It is the right thing to do for the planet”, Norman Cheng, Managing Director of Strategic Sports LTD, said. “And this is just one of many things Strategic Sports is doing globally to help address climate change”, Cheng said. 


As a part of a carbon reduction pledge targeting carbon neutrality by 2028, Strategic Sports has taken the initiative to apply a wide variety of green manufacturing practices to their global manufacturing facilities, including recycled rain water, ISO 14001 Certification, SBTi target approval, and the use of regrind, recycled and biobased materials in their products.





作为到2028年实现碳中和的碳减排承诺的一部分,韬略已主动在其全球制造设施中应用各种绿色制造实践,包括回收雨水、ISO 14001认证、SBTi目标批准,以及在其产品中使用再回收、再生和生物基材料等。

        Strategic Sports engineered Biodome™ helmets, which are created with up to 100% recycled or sustainably sourced materials including injection-molded shells and EPS liners made from recycled materials, water-based paints, webbing made from recycled water bottles, and inner pads made of bamboo fabric.

The use of Biodome™ materials in our helmets reduced CO₂ output by 75,071 kg in 2021 and the technology is offered as an option to many top brands all over the world. 





        The world is taking notice - Strategic Sports recently received a coveted German Design Award for their groundbreaking, fully-recyclable  S-427 helmet. 


“There is so much work to do in the fight against climate change,” Cheng said, “At Strategic it’s not just talk, we are committed to doing our share.”





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